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Foxboro I/A Cross-Reference Utility (version 0.94)

Download Files

xref.tar AW51 script files
Install.txt Installation Document


1. Cross Reference Foxboro I/A Comp:Block.Parm

1. Connected or referenced in other blocks connections
2. C:B.Ps that are connected to its input parameters, or referenced in its sequence code
3. Display connections (Both Display Manager and Foxview)
4. Historian connections (Legacy Historian only)
5. Sequence code references, as long as the references are
explicit and not de-referenced from a variable (by using single quotes).
6. Provides output in both text-formatted and comma-separated-variables for easy import into Excel.

2. FBM Point usage

1. FBM Letterbug and Point number
2. COMPOUND:BLOCK that uses that FBM/point
3. Block type



  • You could use this utility to determine every location that references a particular block.  For example, if you wanted to change the name of a block, you could use this utility to determine where it is used so you find where you would need to make the necessary connection changes.

  • You could also use this utility to determine unused spare FBM points.

Example Output (Cross-Reference)

Note the middle column is the sorted C:B lookup




PM12:FIC22650.OUT PM12:FIC22650.FBK
PM12:FV22650.INITO PM12:FIC22650.INITI
/usr/menus/PM12/Dryers PM12:FIC22650.MA
PM12:FIC22650.MA /usr/menus/PM12/Dryers
PM12:FT22650.PNT PM12:FIC22650.MEAS
PM12:FIC22650.MEAS /usr/menus/PM12/Dryers
PM12:FIC22650.MEAS hist01
/usr/menus/PM12/Dryers PM12:FIC22650.OUT
PM12:FIC22650.OUT /usr/menus/PM12/Dryers
PM12:FIC22650.OUT hist01
PM12:FIC22650.OUT PM12:FIC22650.FBK
PM12:FIC22650.OUT PM12:FV22650.MEAS
/usr/menus/PM12/Dryers PM12:FIC22650.SPT
PM12:FIC22650.SPT /usr/menus/PM12/Dryers
PM12:FIC22650.SPT hist01
PM12:FT22650.PNT /usr/menus/PM12/Dryers
PM12:FT22650.PNT /usr/menus/PM12/Overview
PM12:FT22650.PNT PM12:FIC22650.MEAS
PM12:FV22650.INITO PM12:FIC22650.INITI
PM12:FIC22650.OUT PM12:FV22650.MEAS

Example Output (FBM-Point Loading)

FBM Pnt C:B Type


1 S3DIG1:TT0220A AIN
S30126 2 S3DIG1:TT0220B AIN
S30126 3 S3DIG3:TT0240A AIN
S30126 4 S3DIG3:TT0240B AIN
S30126 5 S3DIG5:PT0272 AIN
S30126 6 S2DIGMISC:IT0503 AIN
S30126 7 S2DIGMISC:IT0504 AIN
S30126 8 S2DIGMISC:FT0519 AIN
S30127 1 S3DIG4:TT0840A AIN
S30127 2 S3DIG4:TT0840B AIN
S30127 3 S3DIG5:TT0850A AIN
S30127 4 S3DIG5:TT0850B AIN
S30127 6 S3DIGMISC:03TT0150C AIN
S30127 7 S3DIGMISC:03TT0150D AIN
S30128 1 S3DIG1:FT0716 AIN
S30128 2 S3DIG3:FT0736 AIN
S30128 3 S3DIG4:FT0746 AIN
S30128 4 S3DIG5:FT0756 AIN
S30128 5 S3DIG1:FY0716 AOUT
S30128 6 S3DIG3:FY0736 AOUT
S30128 7 S3DIG4:FY0746 AOUT
S30128 8 S3DIG5:FY0756 AOUT